VI conference
of National Society for Haemapheresis
and Blood Purification,
dedicated to the 110 anniversary of the World's First Successful Experimental Plasmapheresis made in 1913 by professor Vadim Yurevich and doctor Nikolay Rosenberg in the Medical Surgical Academy
Dear Colleagues and Friends!
We kindly invite you to participate in the VIth Conference of National Society for Haemapheresis and Blood Purification, dedicated to the 110 anniversary of the World's First Successful Experimental Plasmapheresis, made in 1913 by professor Vadim Yurevich and doctor Nikolay Rosenberg in the Medical Surgical Academy in the Saint-Petersburg, entitled «Therapeutic apheresis and blood purification: achievements and hopes».
The conference will take place on the 13-14th of October, 2023 in Saint-Petersburg. It is organised by the Non-profit Partnership «National Society for Haemapheresis and Blood Purification» and Departments of Medical and Physiological Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Scientific program of the conference covers the most actual achievements of the world and domestic therapeutic haemapheresis and blood purification. Speakers are leading specialists from Russia and as well as from abroad.
We will do our best to offer all participants interesting scientific program and unforgetable creative atmosphere, the ability to meet old friends and make new acquaintances, exchange ideas.
Best regards from Organizing Committee,
CEE NPP «National
Society for Haemapheresis and Blood Purification»